Women's Health Base

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Controversy over effectiveness of HPV screening with cervical smears

Posted by hannahflynn on June 22, 2009

Controversy over the effectiveness of HPV screening in addition to basic cervical smear testing has been reported by Pulse magazine today.

Currently, cervical screening involves liquid-based cytography to detect abnormalities on the cervix. This, according to Professor Henry Kitchener’s lab at The University of Manchester is adequate for effective screening which currently prevents 70 percent of cervical cancer cases in this country alone.

He claims HPV screening alongside cervical smears is no more effective than liquid-based cytography tests alone. HPV is a virus which can cause cervical cancer.

However, Professor Jack Cuzick claims in Pulse magazine that, “‘I think this study has some major issues. About another dozen studies show HPV results are better, and all other literature contradicts the results of this study.’

The University of Manchester study will continue for another three years in order to investigate if HPV testing could results in a need for fewer cervical smear tests for women in this country.

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